2024-25 Student Handbook


The terms “campus”, “school campus”, “property”, and “school property” as used in the

SGA Student Handbook and all SGA policies shall henceforth mean and refer to all property on

which any capital improvement has been made by SGA; on which any SGA school-related

function of any kind is held; property which is used or possessed by SGA; and notwithstanding

whether the use of such property is temporary or permanent. Such terms and the authority of

SGA to exercise discipline shall extend to all parking lots, all outdoor classrooms, all athletic

fields, and the curtilage of the same.



All applicants are considered without regard to race, color, creed, sex, religion, or national origin. The Admissions Committee reviews applications and decisions of the committee are final. Information concerning registration is published in area newspapers in January. Additional information about the admissions process is available in the school office. Married students, pregnant students, fathers, mothers, or convicted felons may not attend SGA. SGA will not admit home-schooled students for placement beyond the eighth grade unless approved by the admissions committee. Grade placement of new students will be determined by the use of the school’s testing program and any other measure deemed appropriate by the Admissions Committee. 


The use or possession of alcohol and tobacco on the school campus or at any school-related activity is prohibited. Consumption of alcohol or use of tobacco on the school campus will result in suspension from school. Students found guilty of possession or use of alcohol or tobacco off campus may also be subject to disciplinary action, including the loss of extra-curricular privileges according to rules set by coaches and club sponsors.

Vaping/Caught with a vape/Smoking/Alcohol:

1st offence: 1 day OSS

2nd offence: 3 days OSS

3rd offence: Dismiss from school


Students are responsible for all announcements made daily. Announcements are made in homeroom via the intercom system, and on the announcement board outside the main office. 


During the school year students are provided with a variety of assembly programs, some for educational purposes, some for motivation and inspiration, and some merely for entertainment. Students are required to sit in assigned areas during such programs and to show respect and courtesy towards visitors who take time to share with them.


Because good attendance is essential for academic achievement, students are expected to be present in school daily. Students must be present at least half of the school day in order to participate in practice/games or any SGA event unless approved by the Headmaster. 

In order to achieve perfect attendance at the end of the school year, a student must be present all periods every day unless they are participating in a SGA event.  This includes excused or unexcused absences or tardies.

NUMBER OF ABSENCES: Students are expected to attend school every day.  When a student needs to be absent, they are expected to bring in either a parent excuse or a doctor’s excuse within three days of their return to school in order for the absence to be excused. If a note is not turned in to either the administration or the front office within three days, the absence will automatically become unexcused and the student will not be allowed to make up his or her work.  Southwest Georgia Academy, in accordance with Georgia law, will only accept up to five (5) parent notes per semester unless the student has a documented extenuating circumstance that will be determined by the administration.  After a student has exhausted his or her parent notes, that student will need to obtain a doctor’s note in order for any future absences to be excused. Students who are between the ages of 6 and 16, who accumulate more than 5 unexcused absences will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement for truancy.  Attendance is recorded in Powerschool where it is counted as total attendance and accumulates days including half days.  Doctor’s notes do not count against attendance.  However, parents who are medical professionals may not write a doctor’s note for their own child.   

Example: Two half days missed counts as 1 absence.

EXCUSED ABSENCES: Absences will be excused for the following reasons, if accompanied by a written note from parents:

  1. illness of student
  2. serious illness or death in immediate family
  3. doctor’s appointment
  4. appearances mandated by court order or governmental agencies
  5. service as pages in the legislature
  6. celebration of religious holidays
  7. conditions that make attendance hazardous to health or safety
  8. out-of-town trips or college days approved by head of school and teachers at least two days in advance

All written excuses should list the date of and the reason for the absence, and should be signed by a parent or guardian. Notes must be presented to the front office before homeroom, who will issue an admit slip allowing students to make up missed work. Absences not excused within two days of the absence will be considered unexcused.

MAKEUP WORK: Students are responsible for making up all work missed during excused absences, including school-related activities. The nature of the work and the due date will be determined by the teacher. In the case of pre-approved absences, the attendance officer will attach an assignment sheet to the admit slip so that students may complete assignments before returning to school. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for assignments.

UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: Students will not be allowed to make up work missed due to an unexcused absence. They will receive a zero on any work for which the teacher records grades. In the event that no grades are taken, the student will receive a zero to be counted as a daily grade. The zero may not be dropped. Students who are suspended from school will receive zeros in all classes for each day of the suspension. 

EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Unless given prior approval by the head of school, students must be present at least one-half of a day in order to participate in extra-curricular activities that day.

 BUSES: SGA does not own, operate, or manage area buses that provide transportation to and from school. Parents are responsible for the observation of all rules set forth by the bus driver. Any student who fails to observe bus rules may be referred to the head of school for disciplinary action.


The Southwest Georgia Academy policy on cellular telephones is designed to ensure that the use of cell phones does not interfere with teaching and learning during the school day.

1) Students are permitted to use cell phones before the first bell (8:15 a.m.) of the day and after the final bell (3:25 p.m.) of the day.

2) The use of cell phones for any purpose-including telephone calls, text messaging, games, and other functions-is not permitted at any other time on school grounds. 

3) Cell phones must not be visible during the school day. They shall not be in your pockets. They should be stored in a secure location, i.e. in vehicle, purse, locker, backpack, etc.

4) Cell phones must be turned completely off (not simply on silent or vibrate mode) during the school day.

5) Students participating in field trips, extracurricular activities, and athletic events must contact their coach or sponsor for his/her rules involving cell phone use after school hours or on after-school bus trips. Coaches and sponsors will set their rules and establish consequences involving the use and/or misuse of these devices.

6) The use of camera phones is strictly forbidden in private areas, such as, locker rooms, washrooms, dressing areas, classrooms, and offices at any time. Camera phone violations may result in out of school suspension or expulsion. Such use may also be in violation of the criminal code.

7) Any phone communication during the instructional day will take place on school telephones with permission from office personnel with the exception of emergency situations as deemed by the head of school. Parents should continue to call the school for any emergency situation.

8) Students are encouraged to not bring cell phones into a classroom where standardized testing is taking place. Teachers will collect any student cell phones in classrooms where standardized testing (Stanford 10, PSAT, PLAN, etc.) is occurring. Phones will be collected before testing begins and returned at the conclusion of testing for that day. 

9) Possession of a cell phone by a student is a privilege which may be forfeited by any student not abiding by the terms of this policy. Students shall be personally and solely responsible for the security of their cell phones. Southwest Georgia Academy shall not assume any responsibility for theft, loss, or damage of a cell phone, or unauthorized calls made on a cell phone.

10) Using a cell phone to cheat will be subject to suspension. 

Violators of the above policy will have their cell phones confiscated and turned into the Headmaster and will be subject to a fine in order to have phone returned to student or parent. Other disciplinary action may also be applied:

1st Offense: $10 Fee

2nd Offense: $20 Fee

3rd Offense: $40 Fee

4th or More Offense: $50 


SGA is committed to uphold the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Students found guilty of lying or cheating will be subject to disciplinary action. Students who knowingly provide classmates with answers or assignments are as guilty of cheating, as are students who obtain answers in a dishonest manner. Students who try to pass off someone else’s work as their own are guilty of plagiarism. Disciplinary action for students found guilty of cheating on tests, classroom assignments, or homework assignments is as follows:


  1. A zero will be given on the work involved, whether a test or an assignment.
  2. Parents will be notified by the Headmaster
  3. The Headmaster will inform coaches and club sponsors, who will enforce their own rules concerning cheating.
  4. Will not be recognized on Honors Day for that class.
  5. Final decisions will be made by administration.


1 – 5 Same as first offense

  1. The students will spend two days in in-school suspension.
  2. The student will be declared ineligible for any academic honor for the remainder of the current school year.


Further disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion will be taken at the discretion of school administration.


Students may have copies made in the library for .25 cents per copy. No Students should use the copier in the teachers’ lounge for any reason.


SGA students are expected to conduct themselves as ladies and gentlemen at all times. The ideal community is one where courtesy and mutual respect prevails. Obscene or vulgar language reflects poorly on the individual and the institution he/she represents. Acts of disrespect and vandalism directed at other schools will not be tolerated. Southwest Georgia Academy assumes that its students enter with a serious purpose. Ideally, a student’s own conscience and common sense is a sufficient guide to proper conduct; however, practically speaking, we must have certain regulations regarding conduct. We strongly endorse freedom, but it must be understood that freedom does not mean complete liberty to do as an individual wishes, regardless of the effect of his/her actions upon others. Whenever we live in a community with others, we must sacrifice certain individual freedoms in the interest of the group.


  1. unruly or uncooperative behavior
  2. unacceptable written or spoken language
  3. disrespect towards authority
  4. damage to or destruction of school or personal property
  5. loitering in halls or restrooms
  6. leaving class or school without permission
  7. harassment
  8. possession of forbidden personal items without permission
  9. use or possession of alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, or other controlled substances
  10. violation of weapons policy
  11. excessive tardiness
  12. violation of dress code
  13. consuming food or drink in undesignated areas without permission
  14. public display of affection
  15. fighting
  16. misbehavior on a bus
  17. littering
  18. cheating and dishonesty


  1. student conference
  2. parent conference
  3. lunchroom cleaning duty
  4. corporal punishment (see policy below)
  5. after-school detention
  6. in-school suspension
  7. Saturday morning work detail
  8. suspension from school and / or school activities
  9. probation
  10. recommendation of expulsion to board of trustees



Major disciplinary incidents will be handled in the office by the Headmaster. Misbehavior that is determined by teachers or other staff members to be severe in nature will be written up on a discipline referral form and sent to the office. 


 If a child steps outside the code of conduct, reasonable disciplinary action may include the administration of corporal punishment to the student. All corporal punishment will be subject to the following requirements:

--shall not be excessive or unduly severe; (not to exceed three licks)

--shall never be used as a first line of punishment for misbehavior unless the student was informed beforehand that the specific misbehavior could occasion its use; provided, however, that corporal punishment may be employed as a first line of punishment for those acts of misconduct which are so antisocial or disruptive in nature as to shock the conscience;

--corporal punishment shall be administered in the presence of a witness (the head of school / assistant head /another teacher); and the witness must be informed beforehand and in the presence of the student of the reason for the punishment

--parents will be provided, upon request, with a written explanation of the reasons for the punishment, and the name of witness; provided, however, that such an explanation shall not be used as evidence in any subsequent civil action brought as a result of the corporal punishment;

--corporal punishment shall not be administered to a student whose parents have provided the school upon the first day of enrollment a written statement from a medical doctor licensed in Georgia stating that it is detrimental to the student’s mental or emotion stability; and,

--corporal punishment shall not be administered to a student whose parents have filed a written statement with the head of school stating that his or her child shall not receive corporal punishment.


All student records, including report cards, will be held for any outstanding debts or fines incurred during the school year.


At Southwest Georgia Academy, we believe in a progressive discipline approach.  Minor classroom infractions will be handled by the teacher with major infractions being reported to the administration.

Minor infractions will be dealt with as:

1st offense-Warning

2nd offense-Break/Recess Detention-Parent Contact

3rd offense-Office referral

Minor offenses include but are not limited to:

Excessive talking

Off task behavior


Non-violent confrontations with other students

Mild disrespect to authority

Any minor inappropriate behavior

Major disciplinary infractions will be reported directly to the administration: All offenses reported to the office will result in a parent contact being made.

Office referrals will be dealt with as:

1st offense-Administrative Conference

2nd offense-Corporal Punishment/2 days ISS

3rd offense-Corporal Punishment/2 days OSS

4th offense-Dismissal from the school

Please be advised that depending on the severity of the offense, the Administration of Southwest Georgia Academy reserves the right  to adjust the punishment for the student as deemed necessary by the administration as some offenses could result in immediate dismissal from school.

Major offenses include but are not limited to:

Repeated office referrals

Blatant disrespect of authority/defiance




Alcohol-possession or use

Drugs-possession or use

Inappropriate cell phone use

Sexual activity




Skipping class/out of assigned area

Excessive Tardies


Parents are expected to send children to school and all school-related activities dressed in a manner that reflects good taste and is conducive to a learning environment. Students in grades 4 – 12 are required to follow the dress code. Students dressed inappropriately will be sent to an administrator who will provide alternate clothing, if alternate clothing apparel cannot be provided the student will serve in school suspension for the rest of the day. Repeated offenders will be assigned work detail or suspension. Dress code should be followed at all sporting events including practices and games.



  1. shorts shorter than three inches above the knee
  2. clothing worn without proper undergarments or with exposed undergarments
  3. hats, caps, visors, and sunglasses (includes hanging around neck)
  4. visible tattoos
  5. pants or shorts with holes above the knee
  6. gym shorts, cut-offs, bicycle shorts, boxer shorts, yoga pants, wind pants and sweat pants
  7. clothing that advertises or suggests the use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or other controlled substances
  8. clothing that contains profanity or words that suggest violence, racial overtones, or sexual misconduct
  9. No heelies (shoes with wheels)
  10. No exotic hair colors – i.e.: blue, pink, purple, green….up to discretion of administration


  1. low-cut, revealing tops
  2. tops that expose midriff when arms are raised
  3. shorts, skirts, or dresses shorter than three inches above the knee
  4. tight, form-fitting clothing, no leggings shall be worn as pants
  5. tank tops, spaghetti straps, and strapless or backless tops
  6. sheer fabrics
  7. no visible body piercing (except earrings)
  8. NO sleeveless t-shirts

Homecoming/Prom/Spring Dance Dress Code:

  • Length must be below finger tips-including the slit/split
  • NO midriff exposed
  • NO two piece dresses or pantsuits
  • NO skin should be visible in the midriff area- this includes sheer material
  • Dresses may not be cut any lower than the waist in the back
  • Dresses can’t be cut low in the front

Students not following the dress code will not be allowed in the dance.  If in doubt, ask Mrs. Leslie.


  1. sleeveless shirts
  2. pants or shorts worn below the waist
  3. earrings, no visible body piercing
  4. hair that is below the collar or eyes
  6. sideburns extending below the bottom of the ear lobe
  7. faces not clean-shaven
  8. shirt tails not tucked in when wearing a shirt with a collar
  9. shorts shorter than three inches above the knee


SGA adopted a drug-use policy which includes mandatory, random testing of all students and faculty members. A copy of the policy is available in the school office.


Students are expected to take pride in the appearance of the school. Only water is allowed to drink around campus.


Grievances involving school matters should be settled quickly and as close as possible to their point of origin. Students and parents are encouraged to use the following grievance procedures:

LEVEL ONE: The student or parent with the grievance should request an informal conference with the appropriate teacher(s) within five school days after the date on which the action involving the grievance occurred. This conference can be scheduled through the school counselor or directly with the teacher. If the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the parent or student, the grievance may be taken to level two. 

LEVEL TWO: The student or parent with the grievance should request a conference with the head of school within ten school days after the date on which the action involving the grievance occurred. The head of school may request a written statement of the grievance and any pertinent information from the level one conference. The head of school will render a decision within three school days. If the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student or parent, the grievance may be taken to level three.

LEVEL THREE: The student or parent may request to address the board of trustees by contacting the head of school within ten days following the decision made at level two. The board may request a written statement of the grievance and any decisions made at levels one and two, in addition to reasons why such previous decisions are considered unacceptable. The board will render a written decision which is final.

Note: The number of days specified on each level should be considered a maximum, but may be extended by mutual agreement. 


The law requires local school districts to certify that a student’s attendance and discipline records meet the TAADRA (Georgia Code Section 40-5-22) requirements to obtain or retain a Georgia learner’s permit or driver’s license. Local school districts are also required to report noncompliant public school students, private school students, and home study students to the Georgia Department of Education. A noncompliant student is one who:

  1. Has dropped out of school without graduating and has remained out of school for ten consecutive school days; 
  2. Has ten or more school days of unexcused absences in the current academic year or ten or more school days of unexcused absences in the previous academic year; or
  3. Has been found in violation by a hearing officer, panel, or tribunal of one of the following offenses, has received a change in placement for committing one of the following offenses, or has waived his or her right to a hearing and pleaded guilty to one of the following offenses:

(ii) Possession or sale of drugs or alcohol on school property or at a school sponsored event; 

(iii) Possession or use of a weapon on school property or at a school sponsored event. For purposes of this division, the term “weapon” shall have the same meaning as in Code Section 16-11-127.1 but shall not included any part of an archeological or cultural exhibit brought to school in connection with a school project.

(iv) Any sexual offense prohibited under Chapter 6 of Title 16; or 

(v) Causing substantial physical or visible bodily harm to or seriously disfiguring another person, including another student.


A counselor is available to assist students with guidance and counseling needs such as the scheduling of courses, providing information to assist with career choices, advisement for meeting graduation requirements, assistance with personal problems, assistance with applications for admission or financial aid to college or other post-high school education, the mailing of records and transcripts, parent conferences, and coordinating testing for all grades.


Students are not allowed in the gym unless they are attending a P.E. class or are accompanied by a faculty member. Students may use the vending machines in the gym only during P.E. or after school. No food or drink may be taken from the gym.



Southwest Georgia Academy is committed to each student’s success in learning within a caring, responsive, and safe environment that is free of discrimination, violence, and harassment. Our school strives to ensure that all students have the opportunity and support to develop to their fullest potential and share a personal and meaningful bond with people in the school community. As such, the use of verbal, non-verbal, physical, and cyber harassment by students while on campus or at any school-related activity is prohibited. 


The term "bullying" generally applies a series of acts or combination of the following:

(1)  Any willful attempt or threat to inflict injury on another person, when accompanied by an apparent present ability to do so;

(2)  Any intentional display of force such as would give the victim reason to fear or expect immediate bodily harm; or

(3)  Any intentional written, verbal, or physical act which a reasonable person would perceive as being intended to threaten, harass, or intimidate, that:

(A)  Causes another person substantial physical harm or visible bodily harm as such term is defined by Georgia law;

(B)  Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student's education;

(C)  Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or

(D)  Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.

The term applies to acts which occur on school property, on school vehicles, at designated school bus stops, or at school related functions or activities or by use of data or software that is accessed through a computer, computer system, computer network, or other electronic technology of a local school system. The term also applies to acts of cyberbullying which occur through the use of electronic communication, whether or not such electronic act originated on school property or with school equipment, if the electronic communication (1) is directed specifically at students or school personnel, (2) is maliciously intended for the purpose of threatening the safety of those specified or substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school, and (3) creates a reasonable fear of harm to the students' or school personnel's person or property or has a high likelihood of succeeding in that purpose.

Electronic communication includes but is not limited to any transfer of signs, signals, writings, images, sounds, data or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire, radio, electromagnetic, photo electronic or photo optical system.

The term “bullying” generally does not apply to:

(1) A single incident, conflict, or fight between peers whether in person or online;

(2) A single episode of social rejection or dislike;

(3) A single episode of nastiness or spite;

(4) Random acts of aggression or intimidation;

(5) Mutual arguments, disagreements, or fights;

(6) Retaliatory actions. 


All reports and allegations of violations of this policy will be promptly investigated by the Administration and any other appropriate authority. If the investigation reveals that corrective and disciplinary action needs to be taken, punishment may include, but is not limited to, in school suspension, out of school suspension, or expulsion. 


  • Students: Any student who believes they have been the victim/target of bullying, discrimination, or other harassment should immediately report the incident to a teacher, coach, or school administrator.
  • Parents/Guardians: All parents/guardians who become aware of any incident potentially in violation of this policy should immediately report the details of the incident to a teacher, coach, or school administrator. 
  • Student Witness: Any student who witnesses or becomes aware of any incident potentially in violation of this policy should immediately report the details of the incident to a teacher, coach, or school administrator. 
  • School Personnel: Any employee or volunteer coach of SGA who witnesses any behavior potentially in violation of this policy must immediately intervene and take appropriate action to stop the behavior. Any employee or volunteer coach who witnesses any behavior they believe is potentially in violation of this policy, or receives a report of the same, must notify the Assistant Head of School or Head of School promptly. Further, said employee or volunteer must reduce to writing the report received and transmit the same to the Assistant Head of School or Head of School. 
  • Administration: Any report received alleging a violation of this policy must be promptly investigated and the appropriate action taken. The report and other details of the investigation (e.g. witness interviews) should be reduced to writing soon after the information is received. Either the Head of School or Assistant Head of School must meet in person with the students and parents involved in the report.


Student insurance is available through the school. Applications for school day and twenty-four hour coverage are given to students during the first week of school. Football coverage is not included in the regular plan and must be purchased separately.


All early dismissals must be accompanied by a written note or a phone call to the office from a parent. Notes must be approved by the headmaster before homeroom, who will determine if the early dismissal is excused or unexcused. Failure to sign out in the main office will constitute unexcused absences for classes missed. After signing out, students must immediately leave the campus. Students who return to campus must sign in.


Lockers are issued for the year to students in grades 6-12. Lockers are subject to inspection by the administration at any time. Painting or otherwise defacing lockers is not permitted. 


Students are required to report to the lunchroom during the lunch and recess periods. High school students who finish early may remain in the courtyard or library until the period is over; however, they may not take food or drinks outside the lunchroom. Lunches include a daily menu in addition to the regular menu. Lunches may be purchased by the day, week, or month. Students are issued a four digit pin number that they enter each day for breakfast and/or lunch. Orders for both recess (breakfast) and lunch should be placed during homeroom. When a student reaches the maximum charging amount of $10.00, they will be given a peanut & jelly sandwich with milk, BUT their account must become current the next day! Vending machines are available to students in grades 5-12 during recess and lunch, and to elementary students during afternoon recess. Microwave ovens are available to students as well.



  1. The Media Center is open at least fifteen minutes before school and fifteen minutes after school for student, faculty and parent use.
  2. Each student visiting the library should have a written pass from his teacher stating the purpose of the visit; time left classroom and time to return.
  3. Students may use the library at recess and lunch without a pass from the teacher. Students may use the computer lab after school for as long as needed upon making special arrangements with the media staff.
  4. Elementary grades will be assigned a time each week for the enrichment time of computer lab instruction by the media staff.
  5. The computer lab is available to all students at times not scheduled for elementary enrichment of high school classes. A computer use time may be scheduled with the media staff. If the computer lab is overcrowded or students fail to do assigned work, they will be sent back to the classroom. A library pass is required to use the computer lab during a class period. No pass is required for lunch or recess.
  6. Students may not check e-mail or send e-mail from the media center.
  7. Students may use the internet for research only with permission. Students may not use the internet for online games and contests, etc.; fantasy baseball.
  8. Library time will be on an open schedule. Teachers will schedule library time for research or checking out books with the media center staff.
  9. If more than five students are sent from one class, a teacher must accompany them unless the classroom teacher and the media staff have made special arrangements.
  10. Books for grades 5-12 are to be checked out for two weeks at a time. To renew this check out period, the student must bring the book with him to the library to be rechecked.
  11. Lost or damaged books must be paid for before report cards or progress reports are issued.
  12. Books may be checked out by teachers for general class use.
  13. Teachers may place books on reserve for use by their classes.
  14. Reference books may not be taken from the library.
  15. Newspapers are kept on file for at least one month.
  16. No food or drinks are allowed in the library or computer lab. Students are responsible for following all library and computer lab rules posted in these areas.



Students are not allowed to bring personal items such as I-Pods, tablets, Laptops  video games,  laser pointers, playing cards, and sports cards without permission from the head of school (grades 5-12) or teacher (grades 1-4). Books and magazines not approved for use in the classroom are prohibited. 


Scheduled drills are held throughout the year. The following procedures should be followed upon the sounding of the alarm:


  1. At the command of its teacher, each class will exit its room quietly in a single-file line. Maps showing designated exits and safety zones are posted in each classroom.
  2. The last person to leave the classroom should close the door.
  3. After the teacher checks the roll, students should remain in single-file formation until a bell signals the end of the drill.


  1. Students should move to an inside wall, away from windows and doors, and remain in a crouched position, with hands placed over the head.
  2. Students should remain respectful of the closeness of the group and remain quiet until a bell sounds to signal the end of the drill.


Students are expected to follow all rules concerning conduct and dress code while on the school campus, including attendance at extra-curricular activities. Good sportsmanship and respect for athletic facilities, including picking up trash, is expected at SGA as well as at other schools’ facilities.


The head of school or designee reserves the right to conduct unannounced searches of students, lockers, cell phones, book bags and vehicles. Students failing to consent to searches will be suspended, with expulsion recommended. Parents and law enforcement will be notified of any contraband seized during searches.


Seniors in good standing:

To participate in the senior walk and graduation you must:

  •  Have fewer than 10 excused absences per semester and less than 5 unexcused for the year.
  • Be passing all classes 

Seniors in good standing will be honored with the following privileges:

  1. Exemption of final exams the second semester with an average of 93 or above and less than 10 demerits for that semester
  2. * Parking in front of the LIBRARY and beside the gym
  3. Exiting assemblies first
  4. Reporting to lunch five minutes early
  5. Taking part in the senior trip
  6. Use of Personal Laptop for School use
  7. College campus visits—2 days under the following conditions:

--Visits must be before May 1, not immediately before or after a school holiday without special permission.

--The school counselor must approve the visit at least two days in advance.

--Arrangements for make-up work must be completed with teachers in advance of the visit.

--Upon return to school, a verification letter from the college must be presented to the school counselor.

Note: Juniors are allowed one college day, provided that the above conditions are met and that a

parent accompanies the student.


Students who drive to school must have a valid Georgia driver’s license and operate their vehicles in accordance with state laws. Students are to park in assigned areas, leaving vehicles immediately upon arrival at school. Students are not allowed in the student parking lot during school hours without written permission from a faculty member. Students are not allowed to drive between the gym and elementary building. 

Section a.1 of Georgia’s Teenage and Adult Responsibility Act of 1997 requires that schools certify whether a student’s attendance pattern and discipline record allow him or her to have a Georgia driver’s permit or license. Students, ages 15-18, who apply for a license or permit must present a Certificate of Attendance form. This form is available through the school office for use within 30 days of the date of issue. The school is also required by Georgia law to report information regarding student non-compliance due to excessive absences or suspensions to the Department of Public Safety. Contact the school office for more information.


Parents who pick up children after school should enter through the east gate and exit through the west gate, exiting only after buses have done so. Parents should not leave vehicles unattended in the drive-through area. 


Student use of school phones is restricted to illness or emergencies unless permission is given by a faculty member. Parents should avoid leaving messages for students unless absolutely necessary.


Lost, stolen, or damaged textbooks must be replaced. Replacement or damage costs are a minimum of $25 per book. Student records, including report cards, will be held until the debt is paid or the textbook is returned in usable condition.


A student late to class or homeroom without an acceptable written excuse will receive an unexcused tardy. After a student accumulates three unexcused tardies for homeroom or any one class during the nine weeks, he or she will be assigned one demerit for each tardy after the third for that 9 weeks.


Students are expected to treat school property and personal property of others with respect. Students found guilty of theft will be subject to suspension and possible expulsion. 


SGA is a closed campus. All visitors must report to the main office. Parents must go through the main office in order to pick up or speak with students. Student visitors are not allowed on campus without prior approval from an administrator. Permission will be granted for prospective students only.


Georgia law prohibits any person to carry, possess, or have under control any weapon in a school building, at a school function, on school property, or on a bus or other transportation furnished by the school. SGA has established a weapons policy prohibiting students from possession of all knives, regardless of size, while on the school campus or at a school-related activity.




Students receive instruction in reading, language, spelling, math, science, and social studies with the A Beka program, an academically advanced, Christian-based curriculum. Phonics is heavily emphasized in the pre-reading and early reading stages. Students are also offered enrichment opportunities in art, music, library, computers, and P.E., as well as various topics presented by parent and community volunteers.


Students are scheduled in six daily classes, receiving instruction in reading, English, spelling, vocabulary, math, agriculture, science, technology, social studies, music, and P.E.


SGA encourages students to take high school courses that will meet the requirements for a college-prep diploma. However, a general diploma is also available. Course requirements are as follows:


English/Language Arts --4 units

Mathematics-- 4 units

Science-- 4 units

Social Studies --3 units

Foreign Language and/or Fine Arts/Technology-- 3 units

Health and PE --1 unit

Electives --4 units

TOTAL --23 units

Students must be enrolled in at least five one-unit academic courses each year. Once a student is enrolled, all credits must be earned at SGA, with the exception of summer school courses taken for failed work or courses taken by special permission from the head of school and counselor.


Students who do not receive course credit may attend an accredited summer school with the recommendation of the counselor. SGA allows only two units of summer school credit per year in grades 9–12. All grades in summer school will be recorded on permanent records in parentheses. However, SGA will use a maximum grade of 70 for summer school courses in computing grade point averages.


High school students will be classified at the end of each year according to the following criteria:

Freshman - promotion from the eighth grade

Sophomore - 6 units earned

Junior - 11 units earned

Senior - 17 units earned

Graduate - 23 units earned


The school year is divided into two 18-week semesters. Report cards are issued at the end of each nine-weeks grading period. Specific dates for progress reports and report cards are listed on the school calendar.  Letters will be mailed home to those students who are failing a class.


A 90-100, Excellent, S ,Satisfactory

B 80-89 Good ,N ,Needs Improvement

C 70-79, Fair ,U ,Unsatisfactory

F Below 70, Failure 

I Incomplete

 *Incomplete grades will be issued only in extenuating circumstances. The “I” must be cleared within the first two weeks of the next grading period unless special permission is given by the teacher and head of school. If work is not completed within the time limit, the grade will automatically be changed to an “F.”


HONOR ROLL: Students in grades 6-12 will be named to the Nine Weeks or Semester Honor Roll if all grading marks are 87 or above

ACADEMIC LETTER: Students in grades 9-12 will receive an academic letter on Honors Day if they have a yearly average of 90 or above in each academic subject.

HONOR GRADUATE: To be named an honor graduate, a student must have a cumulative high school  weighted grade point average of 3.5 or above in math, science, social studies, and language courses and must have maintained satisfactory academic conduct.”

TRANSFER STUDENTS: Transfer students must attend SGA at least one semester to be considered for honor graduate status. Only transferred grades in math, English, science, foreign language and social studies will be used to compute the GPA. Transfer students must attend SGA at least three semesters to qualify for the academic honors of valedictorian and salutatorian.


HOPE is determined by the College Board. HOPE counts all academic subjects in grades 9-12. To be eligible, you must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA for all academic classes. For more information go to their website www.gafuttuures.org



Students in grades 9-12 may choose to exempt one semester exam each semester provided the following conditions are met. Students with 10 demerits will lose exemption privilege.

  1.  Must have a 95 or above in the class he/she chooses to exempt.
  2. Must have no more than 3 unexcused tardies for that semester. 


Beginning with the graduating class of 2008, a full grade point will be added to a student’s GPA for taking the following courses: (For honor graduate purposes only)

Dual Enrollment  English 1101, 1102; Dual Enrollment  Math 1111



Students are encouraged to take advantages of the many opportunities that SGA offers in order to build leadership, character, a positive work ethic, human relations skills, and a sense of teamwork. The following clubs and activities are available to students:

4-H Club 

Junior Beta Club*

Annual Staff 

Essay Contests 

Newspaper Staff

Fellowship of Christian Athletes 

Poster Contests

Field Trips 

Senior Beta Club*

Spelling Bee

HANDS (Community Service Club) 

Student Council

*To become a member of Beta Club, a student must have a 90 or above cumulative average in math, science, social studies, and language courses. Senior Beta graduates must be a member at least one semester prior to graduation.


Baseball, Basketball, Extemporaneous Speaking, Cheerleading, Essay, Cross-Country, One Act Play, Football, Oral Interpretation, Golf, Piano, Softball ,Solo, Trio, and Quartet ,Tennis, Spelling ,Track and Field

Minimum requirements for participation in interscholastic competition are set forth by the Georgia Independent School Association. Students must pass five unit subjects per semester in order to participate in GISA events. For more detailed information go to www.gisa-schools.org/ Interscholastic Rules & Additional Resources 2011-2012 Regulations

Anything that is not in the handbook will be up to the discretion of administration.